Why Catscapes?

We want to improve the quality of life for cats around the world.

The benefits of elevated places for cats to rest, observe, and play are well known by experts and enthusiasts alike, but attractive cat shelves that allow for the intense and exuberant activity cats crave and really need are elusive...until now!
Next Movie: How it Works - Get the most out of your catscape by understanding its full potential!
We believe that for cat shelves to catch on, the design and engineering of cat shelves needs to be
aesthetically pleasing, adaptable to a variety of environments, and truly useful and engaging for the cats themselves.
We wanted to create something that would work with, and even add to the beauty and interest of a home. Making something appealing yet sturdy enough for active cats to pounce on is a challenge. Bringing our own backgrounds in music composition and design to the table, we worked with talented engineers and went further by consulting with a furniture designer and an expert in carpeting specifically.
In order for the modular system to be harmonious in almost any home, it has to be adaptable - the lengths and angles must be flexible enough to move around the particulars of a given space. In fact, the span lengths we arrived upon take into consideration the size of cats, the distance between studs, common dimensions of a room, and allow you to expand the length of a single run from one to an infinite number of shelves in nuanced increments! Of course this, in concert with the wide range of angles, allows you to make a virtually seamless, elegant canvas of almost any wall or room.
Feline Engagement
While we spared no effort or expense in creating an attractive and flexible shelving system, our highest priority was and always remains the cats’ experience. Too many cat products look good but provide the cats with no actual engagement of their full potential. Traditional cat trees invite stretching, a moment of ascending, and then nothing but naps. Many shelves are isolated or otherwise unconducive to running, jumping, and climbing, especially at speed.

For the health and happiness of yours and our cats, we were dedicated to bringing the best of the outdoors in. We collaborated with mechanical engineers and a certified cat behaviorist to create a cat shelf system that honors the instincts and invites the extraordinary athleticism and interaction that is possible with and among domestic cats.
At Catscapes, we are about respect, appreciation, and awe of our feline family members as much as we are about love, creativity, and fun.

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