Catapulting CatScapes

Aaron Feldman, CatScapes CEO • January 10, 2019

Crowdfunding 101 - Launching the dream! - Actually, we LAUNCHED. This is an old post. The brackets are ready to ship and the shelves and carpet pads are made to order in the U.S. Visit the Store to learn more.

Crowdfunding campaigns allow the very people who want a new product to participate in bringing that product to life!

By supporting a crowdfunding campaign, "backers" get the best price for being "in the know" and the exclusive opportunity to pre-purchase a fabulous new product before it hits the market.

There is no financial risk to you, because you will be refunded 100% of your payment automatically if the funding goal is not reached.

Kickstarteris the go-to platform for crowdfunding campaigns, and people frequently refer to crowdfunding as "Kickstarting" a project.

In order to bring CatScapes Cat Shelves to you and hundreds if not thousands of homes this year, CatScapes will be launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in a few weeks!

How YOU can make it happen:

For a crowdfunding campaign to be successful, people who love the product are encouraged to do three things:

1) Keep track of the launch-date. We will make this easy by displaying this information prominently in upcoming CatScapes Mewsletters. Make sure that you're signed up for them!

2) Back the campaign (which basically means pre-order the shelves) AS SOON AS the campaign launches. The sooner we fund, the sooner we can get started on the final prototype, allowing us to commence manufacturing immediately upon conclusion of the campaign. Furthermore, there will be a limited number of kits available at Early Bird pricing!

Again, the mewsletters will provide links to the right webpage for backing the campaign.

3) Spread the word! We can only start manufacturing if the funding goal is reached within the 30-day campaign. Everyone and each order makes a difference, so the more people signed-up for this mewsletter and ultimately backing the campaign, the more likely it is that we will reach this shared goal!

Whether communicating with fellow cat lovers in person or online and through social media, all of us can work together (hence the term crowdfunding ) to bring the cats we love the elevated places and playportunities that they love!

Tewn in next week!

Thank you for being poised for lift-off and for being a part of this adventure!

Aaron Feldman, CatScapes CEO

By Aaron Feldman, CatScapes CEO January 18, 2019
Find out what cat shelves and cat shelf products will be available during the campaign!
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